Texas Spiny Lizard

Sgt. Poopers conservation services enable native wildlife like the Texas Spiny Lizard to thrive
Texas Spiny Lizard found on a client's property in Dallas, Texas
Two words, "conservation" and "preservation" are related. Preservation is accomplished by keeping people out. Conservation is different. Conservation means to allow human activity while managing the impact on the land and wildlife to maintain the balance of nature. A conservationist could regain balance by putting the environment back to the way it was before being impacted.
By removing environmental toxins from your property like dog waste the environment is allowed to stay healthy. That means you could see more of the Texas Spiny Lizard in your own backyard. We've been seeing these beautiful and harmless reptiles in our client's yards, one in Dallas, and one in Richardson, Texas.
Texas Spiny Lizards don't bite and will calmly pose for photographs as long as you don't get too close, but they don't like to be picked up. They like to sun themselves in the same area each day, possibly while you enjoy your morning coffee. If you want to invite them for brunch, try offering a juicy cricket.
We always say a backyard contaminated by germs, odors and dog waste is no walk in the park. Environmental toxins like these throw out the balance of nature. Dog waste, for example drives the population of flies, cockroaches, mice and rats out of proportion and the ripple effect disrupts the habitat for other species in the area.
Questions? Call us at (214) 563-6379.
Tags: texas wildlife, texas spiny lizard