Dirty Electricity Testing

Sgt. Poopers provides dirty electricity testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce exposure to deadly electromagnetic radiation.
Contents (Quick Links)
Dirty Electricity Introduction
Sgt. Poopers provides testing, detection and mitigation services to help reduce the impact of dirty electricity in your home or office in Dallas, Texas. Dirty electricity or electromagnetic inference (EMI) is a form of highly unstable radiation caused by devices, appliances and green technologies plugged into electrical circuits in buildings. It can also arrive at your house already "dirty" from devices your neighbors might have plugged in.
A significant cause of electromagnetic radiation — also called electrosmog — in the home or work environment is dirty electricity. This environmental toxin turns the electrical wiring within the walls of your home into an antenna that can radiates electric fields, magnetic fields, and radio frequency fields directly into your living environment affecting the health of those in your home, so it's an important thing to get under control.
Dirty Electricity Effect on Health
Today, the world's most ubiquitous source of deadly environmental toxicity is electrosmog, much of it caused by dirty electricity. But like cigarette smoking during its initial years, hardly anyone realizes the danger or understands how electromagnetic radiation is harming our health. The prevalence of plug-in electronics, computers, fluorescent and CFL lighting, LED bulbs, solar power inverters, battery chargers for electric vehicles, smart meters, Wi-Fi, TVs, and game consoles has created a paradigm shift in the environmental health and how we live since all these devices can create electromagnetic inference or dirty electricity.
You can't smell it like tobacco smoke, yet electromagnetic fields from dirty electricity penetrates our walls, clothes, and cellular membranes instigating or inhibiting trillions of chemical reactions within our very DNA and chromosomes.
The rapidly fluctuating electromagnetic voltages created by dirty electricity in your wiring can result in inflammation along with a host of serious health problems,
- Diabetes
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis
- Auto-immune disease
- Damage to the nervous, endocrine and immune systems
- Sleep disorders
- Pain
- Headaches
- Fatigue
- Tinnitus (ringing or buzzing sounds in the ears)
- Mental confusion
- Depression
- Impaired reasoning ability
- Forgetfulness
- Learning disabilities
- Concentration difficulties
- Decreased intelligence
- Heart arrhythmia
- Irritability and moodiness
This scientific paper entitled "Dirty Electricity: Invisible role in the US Health Crisis?" provides more information.
Dirty Electricity Videos
Eric Windheim is a certified Building Biology Ecology Consultant (BBEC) and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) in Sacramento, CA. The dirty electricity in this home was being generated by CFL & LED light bulbs. The frequencies could be heard on an AM radio tuned to below 540 on the dial 25 feet away. The frequencies in this house measured over 20,000 units (very high).
Michael Neuert, an EMF test engineer with 23 years experience, explains some of the issues that can arise when solving dirty electricity problems.
Radiation Lockdown Service
Our Radiation Lockdown service includes detection and measurement of dirty electricity. We detect for dirty electricity using a special meter and receiver, in addition to all our regular equipment for radio frequency, electric and magnetic fields.
Some issues we can fix on the spot, like a lamp plugged in backwards. Occasionally there are issues that may require a qualified electrician. We provide instructions on how solve all the problems we find laying out each solution step-by-step.
Our Radiation Lockdown provides you with three important benefits,
- We determine your radiation exposure in all the common areas where you spend significant time around the clock,
- We trace each type of electromagnetic radiation back to its source, to reveal which devices are causing problems,
- We show you exactly how to eradicate or reduce each source of radiation.
The solution always requires some effort on your part, but the good news is that most (not all) situations are remediable.
Where Dirty Electricity Comes From
Electrosmog comes from various electric devices around the home, plus it can be generated by improper electrical wiring — common, especially in older homes. Most homes have at least two or three miswired circuits in addition to older lamps and extension cords that may be plugged in backwards. Some of these mistakes are easy to fix while some can take a bit more work to debug.
Because electrical wires are always paired these days (positive and negative), the magnetic fields induced by flowing electricity in each wire cancel each other out because each wire flows in the opposite direction. When a circuit is mis-wired, it can mean that the electricity from one side gets diverted to a completely different circuit or water pipe acting as a ground so the magnetic fields created by electrical flows are no longer balanced. When electricity leaks down the wrong wire or into a water pipe, the whole length of that wire or pipe can generate large magnetic fields — as big as the room or even the entire house — very unhealthy!
Other causes include rheostats, Smart Meters; dimmer switches; CFL, LED, and fluorescent lights; solar power systems; charging systems for electric cars; and wireless transmitters that load signals directly into copper wiring. Electricity coming from the power company is sometimes dirty when it arrives. Stray signals create fluctuations in frequency, voltage, and other aspects of electricity that cause electrical wires to transmit electromagnetic radiation throughout your living environment.
These fluctuations can be heard on older AM radios as static. In the 1960s and before, virtually all electric appliances used 120 volts at a frequency of 60 Hz (cycles per second). Pretty much everything could be plugged directly into electrical outlets. Today, most electronic equipment requires a small black "adapter." Those adapters are today plugged into outlets throughout your house and they can also cause dirty electricity.
Radiation Lockdown Pricing
Our Radiation Lockdown service includes testing for dirty electricity.
Dirty Electricity Testing Summary
A living environment contaminated by electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog) caused by dirty electricity is no walk in the park! Our electromagnetic control testing protocols are designed to protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions and Answers for Voice Search
Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.
Who does electromagnetic field (EMF) Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio frequency testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does radio frequency (RF) Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does electromagnetic radiation Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does RADIOACTIVITY Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radioactivity testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect exposure to ionizing, nuclear or atomic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
I think I am being exposed to EMF radiation, what should I do?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
What does EMF Radiation feel like?
Some people are more sensitive than others. It feels like what it is, electromagnetic radiation, and can cause brain fog, irritability, inability to think clearly, and serious, even fatal, diseases.
Can EMF radiation hurt my dog or cat?
EMF radiation is toxic to all life. Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379.
I think electromagnetic radiation is interfering with my sleep. What should I do?
Contact Sgt. Poopers to schedule their EMF testing procedure at your home, Call (214) 563-6379.