How to Opt Out of Smart Meters

Sgt. Poopers can test your levels of radiation exposure before and after replacing your Smart Meter with an analog meter.
Smart Meter Introduction
The Stupid Problem of Smart Meters
Analog Electric Meters
How to Change Your Smart Meter to Analog
Smart Meter Opt Out Video
The Epic Saga of a Smart Meter Opt Out
Take Back Your Power Documentary
Homeowner Liable After Smart Meter Fire
Radiation Lockdown Pricing
Smart Meter Opt Out Summary
Smart Meter Introduction
Sgt. Poopers provides "before and after" testing to determine your levels of radiation exposure from Smart Meters. Several years ago without asking, the electric companies went to every home in the nation and removed the old analog electricity meters that worked flawlessly for decades and replaced them with new "two way" Smart Meters.
Smart Meters generate both radio frequency (RF) radiation and electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. This "electrosmog" is an extremely hazardous environmental pollutant responsible for many health problems. As part fo our Radiation Lockdown service, Sgt. Poopers provides detection and measurement of electrosmog fields plus we layout the steps tailored to your unique situation to get this deadly toxin out of your living, sleeping and working environments.
World wide, electromagnetic (EMF) radiation is an environmental emergency. Our Conservation Rangers are EMF and RF first responders.
Can you remember what it was like to sleep or live in an environment not saturated by electromagnetic radiation? Can you remember what it was like to wake up in the morning feeling tranquil and refreshed in the morning? Perhaps on a camping trip outside the reach of cell towers? You should feel that way every day at home.
The Stupid Problem of Smart Meters
These Smart Meters have a number of problems:
- They regularly "pulse" extremely high levels of RF microwave radiation anywhere from once every few seconds to once every few minutes
- This pulse continues all day and all night and interferes with the body's ability to repair sells and DNA damage while you sleep
- Smart Meters create high frequency dirty electricity that causes home wiring to radiate electromagnetic radiation into entire homes
- They constantly record everything you do (spy on you) which "Smart" appliances are being used, and transmit that data to the electric company
- This presents a severe security risk since your data can be misused, sold to third parties, intercepted in transmission, or hacked
- Older home wiring is not designed to handle the high frequencies Smart meters produce, and so Smart Meters create electrical problems
- Many Smart Meters have been recorded catching on fire
- Electric companies are not liable for the damage their Smart Meters cause
- Smart Meters record "peak usage" used by electric companies to charge higher rates
- No health reliable unbiased study has ever been done to prove Smart Meters are safe
Analog Electric Meters
For decades home electricity was measured by what are now known as "analog electrical meters." These meters have a small rotating disk and a gear-driven assembly that counts how many kilowat hours of electricity you use.
Most electric companies are required to supply you with an analog meter if you request it... or in their way of speaking you have to "opt out" from having a Smart Meter. There are many good reasons for doing so.
- Analog meters do not produce any harmful radiation and are compatible with sleep
- Analog meters have no history of starting home fires
- Analog meters keep your information about your activities 100% secure becasue they cannot broadcast information
- Analog meters do not record peak usage, only total usage so your rates will be lower and power companies cannot charge you based on peak rates
- Analog meters operated on normal voltage and do not create high frequency dirty electricity
- Analog meters work with all home wiring systems
- Analog meters are only one way, i.e., the electric company cannot send signals to one day turn on or off your electrical appliances.
Analog meters require someone from the phone company to come to your home once a month and read the meter, just like "meter readers" did for decades. They will charge you an extra fee for that, however since your electrical rates will be lower in general (because you cannot be charged based on your peak usage) you should either break even or save a little.
How to Change Your Smart Meter to an Analog Meter
In Dallas County you are legallly allowed to "opt out" from having a harmful smart meter on your house. If you opt out, Oncor is required by law to replace your Smart Meter with a tradiational analog meter. The videos below tell you more, but here are the basic steps:
Call your electricity service provider. For us Dallas, that is surely Oncor. The number to call to opt out is (888) 313-6862.
Tell Oncor you want to "opt out" of you Smart Meter and have an analog meter installed. Note: Electric companies try to dissuade customers from doing that by categorizing analog meters as "non-standard" and possibly trying to talk you out of it over the phone. If you don't want a smart meter, ignore their gas lighting mind games and just say, "Yes, I want the non-standard analog meter."
They will send you a form via certified mail, which you will have to sign for. Fill out this form and get a money order or cashier's check (from your bank) for the specified amount (probably $185.25) made out to "Oncor Electric Delivery." Send it back to Oncor via your own certified mail sent from your local post office. In about a week or so, Oncor will contact you to schedule a time their tech can come out and install your new meter. They will have to shut off your electricity to your whole house for a few seconds, but the installation is very easy for them to do. These meters are modular and plug right in.
Smart Meter Opt Out Video
This informative video is all about the process of opting out of your smart meter and cleaning up the Wi-Fi radiation in your home. Dr. Laura Pressley helps an Austin family through the process by taking before and after radiation readings. Here in Dallas, Sgt Poopers has the equipment and skills to do this for you.
The Epic Saga of a Smart Meter Opt Out
This is very helpful video from Truthstream Media about opting out. Shot in 2015, they cover the minor tactical hurdles in dealing with Oncor.
Take Back Your Power Documentary
This award-winning documetary reveals the hard science behind why it pays to consider the effect of microwave radiation on your health. This is a MUST WATCH for anyone who values their health and the health of their family members and pets.
Homeowner Liable for Damage After Smart Meter Catches Fire
This short video 2:47 is a news short about the danger of smart meters catching on fire and why the power company may not be liable for the damage. In this case, the homeowner had to pay $5,000 to have his home repaired.
Radiation Lockdown Pricing
Our Radiation Lockdown service includes testing for dirty electricity.
Smart Meter Opt Out Summary
A living environment contaminated by electromagnetic radiation (electrosmog) caused by a Smart Meter is no walk in the park! Our services and protocols are all designed to protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions and Answers for Voice Search
Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.
Who does electromagnetic field (EMF) Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio frequency testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does radio frequency (RF) Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who tests radiation from Smart Meters in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
Who does Electrosmog Testing in Dallas, Texas?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial radio frequency (RF) testing in the Dallas, Texas area to detect your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
I think I am being exposed to EMF radiation by my Smart Meter, what should I do?
Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379
What does electrosmog feel like?
Some people are more sensitive than others. It can cause sleep probles, brain fog, irritability, inability to think clearly, and serious, even fatal, diseases. Call (214) 563-6379
Can EMF radiation hurt my dog or cat?
EMF radiation is toxic to all life. Sgt. Poopers provides residential and commercial electromagnetic field testing and radio field testing in the Dallas, Texas area to reduce your exposure to toxic radiation. Call (214) 563-6379.
I think electrosmog radiation is interfering with my sleep. What should I do?
Contact Sgt. Poopers to schedule their EMF testing procedure at your home, Call (214) 563-6379.
- Learn more about our conservation work
- Sgt. Poopers provides EMF and RF testing and remediation to lessen your exposure to electromagnetic radiation.
- Sgt. Poopers provides EMF and RF testing in Dallas, Tx to significantly reduce your exposure to toxic electromagnetic radiation.
Tags: rf radiation, radio frequency radiation, radiation control, radiation exposure, pet radiation, RF and EMF testing, EMF radiation, EMF and RF testing, EMF and RF radiation, radiation testing, radiation lockdown, smart meters