About Us
Proudly serving Greater Dallas
When you call Sgt. Poopers, an owner answers the phone. Not a machine. Not an answering service in California who can only "have someone call you back." We are family-owned in Dallas, Texas. When you call us, you get immediate answers, decisions and action.
Our customers appreciate us and the feeling is mutual. We do a lot for just a little and our standard of quality is perfection because we believe that's what customers deserve. We also protect every client in the urban forest with our eyes and ears... and noses. For example, in the last five years, we've detected 19 natural gas leaks in backyards. Atmos told several of our clients they were lucky to be alive thanks to us. With all our services comes responsibility, no extra charge.
For nine years we ran Sgt. Poopers in our spare time. Erica was a top paralegal in Dallas, some would say the top. I am a copywriter and advertising creative with half a million words published. My creations include 250 print ads, 125 films and videos, 110 websites (including this one), 77 TV spots, 70 logos, 33 package designs, and much more. We launched Sgt. Poopers in May 2008 with a Beatles motif and a simple website. The company grew over the years and in 2017, I went full time in Sgt. Poopers. It struck me that one could go all day in this business and not even see a dog. That's when I realized we were not in the pet industry. We were in the business of conservation.
So we changed directions. We reworked everything and relaunched with a new look, a family of logos, ranger uniforms, and this website. We brought in a new business model. Services. Prices. Protocols. Procedures. Employee Handbook and Services Manual. Full computerization and GPS tracking. Within a year and a half, we had tripled in size.
In November of 2019, Erica ended her career as a paralegal and also joined Sgt. Poopers full time. That day was a milestone because Sgt Poopers was originally her idea. She even came up with the name just as we closed our eyes one night in 2008.
Pioneering companies like SpaceX brought careers like astronaut, previously only available to government employees, into the private sector. Our company is doing the same for park rangers. We are Park Rangers for the American BackyardTM.
At the state and federal level, rangers are assigned to be custodians of our great parks and forests. Their job is to protect and conserve public lands, water, and wildlife. But they do nothing for private property. Your yard is our parkland and we protect it just like .gov rangers do.
Conservation is sometimes a "dirty job" as TV's Mike Rowe would say, but we love it. We get exercise, fresh air, sunlight, Mother Nature and automony. The average corporate position comes with deadlines and unreal expectations, monotony and wage disputes, office politics, scope creep, moving goal posts, broken agreements, senseless rules, discrimination, not to mention the deterioration of health from sitting at a computer all day. We can't fix your job, but we can restore the sanctity of your own backyard where Mother Earth provides a refuge and Nature can soothe your soul.
A special thanks to Mike Rowe for being the Voice of Opportunity in a world of misdirection.
My interest in conservation started early on.
On Ellsworth Ave, just off Mockingbird in Dallas, is a house my grandmother built in 1940. My father, a decorated pilot, buzzed that house in a P-51 Mustang at the close of World War II. He flew just above the tree tops at full power — 2,000 horsepower rattling doors and dinner plates throughout the neighborhood and causing considerable consternation back at Love Field. Two decades later the thunder of war was gone. There, I spent many quiet days in my youth doing "yard work." Caring for property was part of daily routine. And so were planted the tenets of land stewardship in the fertile soil of a childhood mind.
My wife came to Dallas by way of Paris...Texas, that is. Growing up in rural Texas, many of her best friends had four legs. That devotion was strengthened by her early experience as a veterinary technician.
Perhaps a business founded on the combined principles of conservation and love for animals was meant to be. What started with her interest in animals matured into a passion for protecting the environment. When we started Sgt. Poopers in 2008, we didn't know where the effort might lead. It was just a small business we ran on the side. But every year it grew. Sgt. Poopers matured into a going concern with exacting yard-cleaning protocols.
In Memory of Maria
Erica's inspiration for Sgt. Poopers was a little rescue dog named Maria. When just a puppy, she found Maria abandoned along a lonely stretch of Oklahoma's Indian Nation Turnpike in 2006. Of course, there's a little story.
Erica was heading home to Texas when she started to feel dizzy. Upon pulling into a rest stop she saw a black puppy trying to get in another traveler's car. They shooed the dog off and drove away. Erica stepped out into the cold and the young pup came right over and fell into her arms.
Erica's dizziness vanished as she wrapped the puppy in a towel and turned up the heat. The puppy was rigid with cold, but after half an hour, probably at the limit of exhaustion, the puppy took a deep breath, completely relaxed and fell into a deep and safe slumber.
I met Erica a few months later. The first time I knocked on her door, a little black dog poked her nose through the blinds and acted like she "recognized" me. When I stepped in, the little dog went bananas, running up the wall, and barking joyfully as if she had foreseen the event. The message was unmistakable, "He's the one! It's him! He's here!!"
I had only just met Erica a few days before and did not know yet if I was "the one." But turns out, somehow Maria knew.
Maria: 2005 – 2017. Her sweet spirit and unconditional devotion are the inspiration for Sgt. Poopers.
Maria was a show stopper. Her sweet spirit pretty much stunned passersby wherever we went. If you've ever wondered why the words "unconditional love" and "man's best friend" are oft-quoted with dogs, I wish you could have met her. She could have showed you. It was in her eyes.
Two years later, she became our mascot.
Maria left us too soon in October, 2017. But before she left, she also inspired us to have a child, the human kind.
Today, Maria's gift of unconditional love continues to nurture and shape who we are as a family and as a business. Our mission is not just to conserve Dallas' land and water resources, but also to raise community awareness and promote good stewardship for the environment. Our work compliments fellow conservationists in the Dallas Storm Water Department and volunteers in "For the Love of the Lake" including those who test and monitor water quality in the thirteen creeks that feed White Rock Lake.
Real conservation requires the cooperation of thousands. We're proud to be a part of that effort providing more than 40,000 conservation services per year. We invite you to go green "with a little help from your friends." If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Welcome message from Sgt. Poopers, LLC
- Contact information for Sgt. Poopers, LLC
- Career information from Sgt. Poopers, LLC
Tags: dog waste removal, Sgt Poopers, company