Paper and Plastic Litter Clean Up

litter at the beach

Paper and plastic litter can ruin even the most scenic environment.

 Contents (Quick Links)

Litter Clean Up Introduction


Sgt. Poopers provides plastic and paper litter clean up and removal for properties in Dallas, Texas. 

Paper and plastic litter drives people away from your business just like at the beach. Litter and trash tells potential customers and even employees that your business is unhealthy and unable to care for itself. If it can't care for itself, how can it care for customers? Sgt. Poopers can help by removing all paper and plastic litter from your Dallas, Texas property each week. Prices start at just $20.95 for our weekly commercial paper and plastic litter removal service.

As a rule, better customers avoid places that are unkempt. To attract good customers, your company must look clean which means inviting, whether it's a convenience store, restaurant, gas station, apartment building, hardware store, office park, or a train station. We can help greatly by improving your image with a weekly litter clean up.


Litter is Bad for Business

Your business is silently judged by its image. How well you tend the exterior of your building says a lot about your business attitudes in general. If your image is slack, customers may assume that your quality control may also be slack. If your grounds are strewn with litter, customers may assume your products are more likely to be low quality with inferior customer service.

Like body language, public image is a physical communication. The way a person stands or walks communicates more than his mouth does. Having a clean exterior doesn't guarantee financial success, since there are many other factors involved, but your chances are certainly better if your place looks as if someone cares. It's not a matter of being new or fancy. It's mostly a matter of being clean.


Power of Actions

Actions always speak louder than words. Anyone can make promises. But customers have no way of knowing if words are true. What they can know is what they see. How well do you maintain your building and grounds? Is your parkway or parking lot littered with trash? Like father, like son: if your business is free of litter it says, "People care here; someone is in charge." Visitors can assume that care will also be reflected in your product quality because you are demonstrating your principles in your physical location.


Cost of Litter

sgp badgeLitter costs businesses about $11.5 billion each year. Much of this litter is released on roadways which means that companies, apartment properties, and even homes near freeways are likely to have a greater litter problem. Each year the average highway receives 6,729 pieces of trash. 40% come from Big Tobacco, so in addition to the gift of lung cancer, emphysema, and dead parents, we can thank Phillip Morris and British American Tobacco for a staggering amount of environmental trash. Drivers throw down 52% of this litter, while pedestrians toss down 23%. Incompetent or irresponsible truck drivers account for 16% by ignoring the need to shield loads from the wind.

But does it really cost you anything to ignore litter on your commercial property? Before you answer that question, consider something called the "Broken Window" effect.

Years ago in New York, city fathers were dismayed by epidemic crime. They also wondered what caused a particular neighborhood to suddenly "go under." In other words, a certain area could be okay for decades with a low or manageable crime rate. Until one day when, suddenly, the crime rate would soar. Violent crime in the form of muggings, robbery, rape, assault, and murder would suddenly become the order of the day.


Broken Window Effect

broken window

Criminologists James Q. Wilson and George Kelling studied this problem and concluded that crime was the result of disorder. If one single neighborhood window was broken and not repaired, or if litter was allowed to pile up, or if graffiti was not quickly removed, or if a panhandler was allowed to accost pedestrians, these little things signaled criminals that no one cared and no one was in charge. Litter told criminals that the area was a safe place in which to commit crimes. After all, if residents were too beaten down to even clean up the litter at their doorsteps, what were the chances they'd have the motivation to go after a much more difficult problem like a mugger? And so tiny signals like litter and a single broken window led to more litter and more windows broken. And suddenly the gates of hell were unleashed.

Once crime engulfed an area, local police were overwhelmed trying to keep up. Under the circumstances, they no longer had the bandwidth to bother with trivial misdemeanors. They stopped sweating the small stuff. But that only reinforced the disaster. Apparently the famous advice, "don't sweat the small stuff" is the worst possible advice in environmental matters.


Sweat the Small Stuff

sgt poopers sealSome years ago, in another business here in Dallas, a lady ordered a modest number of products from one of my companies and then neglected to pay for it. It turned out she was involved in embezzling more than $100,000.00 from her own company. I spoke to the police about it and they said that level of white-collar crime happened every single day in Dallas. Unless someone embezzled more than a million, the DA would do nothing because it was "too small" for them to bother with. Of course the failure to sweat the small stuff is what triggers greater crime epidemics that then run "out of control." Any DA like that is just part of the crime problem.

sgt pooper portraitThe small stuff is exactly what any police department must focus on if they want to stop serious crime. In the mid 1980s, a man named David Gunn was hired to oversee a billion dollar refit of the New York City subway system. Subway advocates urged Gunn to concentrate resources on fighting violent crime in the subway routes and on improving subway reliability. But he and the Transit Authority knew about the Broken Window effect and so went in the exact opposite direction. Deciding to sweat the small stuff, he set up a program to remove graffiti the moment each "work of art" was finished. Around the same time, the Transit Authority also hired a gentleman named William Bratton to head the transit police who happened to be another disciple of the Broken Window effect. Serious crime was at an all-time high. So Bratton focused on fare-beating. Every day, tens of thousands of riders skipped the required $1.25 fare—not much of a crime! Instead of ignoring violators, Police staked out payment plazas and started to handcuff fare-beaters by the score, lining them up and sending an unmistakable signal. As it turned out, many of the fare-beaters were also wanted criminals! Violent crime on the subway lines was nearly eradicated overnight, all by focusing on the smallest crime in the system!

With the 1994 election of Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Bratton was appointed head of the entire New York City Police Department. Once again, he worked the Broken Window magic by ordering his officers to crack down on the minor crimes that were so ubiquitous on city streets—litterbugs and jaywalkers, automobile "windshield washers" hustling spare change from drivers at stop lights, public drunkenness, and public urination. As a result violent crime quickly sank to an all-time low while local businesses and neighborhoods flourished.


Don't Trigger Larger Problems

Such experience teaches us that neglecting the "small stuff" is what triggers disaster. And conversely, the way to quell disaster is by dealing with the "small stuff" like litter. You can learn more about the Broken Window effect by reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. It's a great book.

Sometimes the small stuff is the most important thing of all. We are great at dealing with problems like paper and plastic litter and trash. 

Our protocol puts us on your property on the same day each week to clean up all litter down to the smallest cigarette butts. Once we get the initial backlog handled, weekly maintenance is easier and the area will tend to stay cleaner.  


Litter Removal Prices

litter trash removal prices

Call us today at (214) 563-6379


Litter Removal Summary


A backyard contaminated by paper and plastic litter and trash is no walk in the park! Our procedures and protocols are designed to protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!” 

Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.

steve hall   signature

Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate

We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!

Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas

Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM

(214) 563-6379

We accept Visa MasterCard and American ExpressSatisfactionfacebooktwitter Guaranteed
Bonded and Insured

11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Questions and Answers for Voice Search

Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.

Who can remove paper and plastic outdoor litter in Dallas, Texas?

Sgt. Poopers provides weekly paper and plastic litter and trash removal in the Dallas, Texas area for homes and businesses of all sizes. The service is inexpensive and hassle free. Call (214) 563-6379.

Who picks up paper and plastic trash from properties in Dallas, Texas on a weekly basis?

Sgt. Poopers provides weekly paper and plastic litter and trash removal in the Dallas, Texas area for homes and businesses of all sizes. The service is inexpensive and hassle free. Call (214) 563-6379.

Does paper and plastic litter drive customers away?

Litter and trash tells potential customers and even employees that your business is unhealthy and unable to care for itself and its customers. Sgt. Poopers can help by removing all paper and plastic litter from your Dallas, Texas property each week. Prices start at just $11.95 for their weekly commercial paper and plastic litter removal service. Call (214) 563-6379.

How can I attract more customers into my business?

As a rule, better customers avoid places that are unkempt. To attract good customers, your company must look inviting, whether it's a convenience store, restaurant, gas station, apartment building, hardware store, office park, or a train station. Sgt. Poopers can help greatly by improving your image with a weekly litter clean up. Call (214) 563-6379.


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