Wildlife Control

Red Swamp Crawfish found in client's yard in Dallas' Forest Hills neighorhood near White Rock Lake, Sep 22, 2018
Contents (Quick Links)
Wildlife Control Introduction
Proprietary Wildlife Control Protocols
Wildlife Control Prices
Wildlife Waste Control
Animal Waste Breeds Flies, Roaches and Rats
Animal Waste Disinfection
Animal Waste Odor Removal
Tortoise Waste Removal
Rat / Mouse Waste Control
Raccoon Waste Removal
Opossum Waste Removal
Geese Waste Control
Duck Waste Control
Grackle Waste Control
Pigeon Waste Removal
Dead Animal Removal
Dog Urine Grass Spot Restoration
Wildlife Control Introduction
A backyard overrun by invasive wildlife like rats, geese, ducks, snakes, armadillos, raccoons is no walk in the park! Wildlife species can also contaminate your property with their waste, which in turn breeds germs, odors and disease-carrying "filth insects" like flies and cockroaches that eat waste. We also provide animal repelling essential oil treatments that keep animals out of specific areas.
Sgt. Poopers is unique because not only can we remove, disinfect and deodorize the waste, we have the means to safely and humanely repel many species of wild animals so they find somewhere else to live. That's just one more way we protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Proprietary Wildlife Control Protocols
Garter snake, found in a client's yard, July 2018
Sgt. Poopers can control many types of wildlife and keep them off your property or out of a certain area like your yard, garage, porch, deck, or backyard using only humane, non-toxic protocols and essential oils.
RATS and MICE: Rats are big problem. If they are leaving poop on your back patio, we can keep them off your patio. Literally, no other company can do what we do. One client in Highland Park told us, "We've been trying to get rid of the rats for 20 years. You are the first ones that could do it. And we had tried everyone. You have an amazing company!"
ARMADILLOS: Armadillos can do serious damage digging and rooting up a yard. Our essential-oil treatment humanely persuades them to move to greener pastures. We use no poisons and nothing toxic.
OPOSSUM: Although they look like giant rats, they are very beneficial to have around because they eat thousands of ticks, roaches, mice, rats — all the critters you REALLY don't want to have around. Now, possums are nomadic so they rarely stay in one place for long anyway, but if you have a local possum defecating in your garage, we can clean up the mess, disinfect and deodorize safely (in ways that won't harm your pets or humans), and apply an essential-oil treatment that keeps possums from even entering your garage in the first place.
SNAKES: Our essential oil treatment repels venomous snakes. See our page on snakes for more information.
If you are having a problem with another type of animal, let's see what we can do. If our treatment doesn't help, we won't charge you.
Wildlife Control Prices
Wildlife Waste Control
Sgt. Poopers can deal with any kind of waste removal for pets or wild animals including dogs, tortoises, rats, raccoons, squirrels, mice, possums, geese, ducks, pigeons, bats, feral cats, stray dogs, or migrating birds. The waste from most animals should be considered dangerous to humans and pets because it usually is.
We can also disinfect the urine that these animals habitually use to mark their territory. Young children and developmentally disabled persons require supervision outdoors since they maybe more likely to touch feces or urine-marked areas and later touch their eyes or mouth. Each year in the US, Poison Control Centers receive 5,000 to 6,000 emergency calls due to exposure or consumption of animal feces or urine. Not surprisingly, the top sources of waste include from dogs, cats, and birds.
At Sgt. Poopers, our specialty is conservation, not just waste removal, so we can provide solutions that other providers can't do. When it comes to wildlife waste control, we have the means and technology to disinfect and kill the germs in their waste that make it a biohazard.
Animal Waste Breeds Flies, Roaches and Rats
With eleven years experience in the safe removal of toxic residues and health threats, Sgt. Poopers can solve the worst health threats present in Dallas backyards including animal waste from dogs, geese, ducks, pigeons, oppossums, raccoons and more. We have the tools to handle dangerous bacteria and viruses embedded in dog and wildlife waste. Animal waste feeds populations of flies, roaches and rats which feed on dog waste and reproduce rapidly to spread more germs throughout your property. These “filth pests” are not benign: the more disease they spread, the more likely they are to thrive which means the more you ignore this ecological threat in your own backyard, the worse your problems become. Filth pests do not migrate. They stay right where the food is and quickly multiply. Sgt. Poopers can solve all these problems and more with prices starting at just $16.95 a week.
Animal Waste Disinfection
Due to the toxicity of wild animal waste, we cannot just remove it and call it "done." The job isn't complete until we also disinfect the area.
We use a cutting-age, food-grade, EPA-approved and NSF-certified hospital disinfectant to break the chain of infection at the molecular level. The chemistry is non-toxic to humans, pets, and beneficial insects. It reacts with sulfur atoms in the amino-acid proteins that form the membrane of bacteria and viruses. This reaction causes 99.999% of harmful microbes to rupture and die in seconds.
When Ebola struck Dallas in 2014, this is what hazmat workers used to successfully disinfect the contaminated spaces. It is an EPA-registered antimicrobial that meets CDC criteria for use against Ebola, yet this same disinfectant is so safe you can wash your hands with it (which we do frequently). It is non-toxic, non-flammable, non-hazardous, and causes no
respiratory nor skin irritation in animals or humans. It is certified as no rinse required. Respirators or rubber gloves are not required for application. Our disinfectant is simply one of the best, safest and most effective disinfectants there is. And we're pretty proud of it.
Animal Waste Odor Removal
Our antimicrobial deodorizer destroys the cause of malodor by oxidizing the microscopic organisms that cause it. Noxious odors are caused by bacteria. By destroying bacteria, there is nothing left to create odor.
People generally perceive certain odors as offensive since the human body recognizes them as a warning against potential disease. The smell of a animal feces or urine registers as "offensive" to us because the smell indicates the proximity a serious health risk. After thousands of years of evolution, your body knows.
Our EPA-registered non-toxic odor eliminator neutralizes the source of odors on a molecular level. Other odor products can cause allergic or asthmatic reactions. Ours contains no scents, perfumes, nor fragrances and is fit for the most sensitive allergy suffers. It’s also hypoallergenic, non-hazardous, non-irritating, and contains no volatile compounds (VOCs) to pollute the beautiful atmosphere over the city of Dallas.
(214) 563-6379
Wildlife Waste Control Prices
Wildlife Waste Removal
Two pet tortoises from one of our clients
Tortoise Poop Removal
Tortoises can be difficult and expensive to keep as pets. Not the least of the challenges they bring is that they are likely to outlive their owners, that is unless you live to be more than 200 years old.
A 200-year-old tortoise living in Dallas today would have been born while James Monroe was President. President Monroe was the 5th President of the United States—which at the time only comprised 22 states. Thomas Jefferson was still alive. Abraham Lincoln was a boy of ten. "Dallas" did not exist. "Texas" did not exist, though the land was here... all of which was entirely owned by Spain! Were it not for various twists of fate, you would be living in Spain today, not America.
There are many different kinds of tortoises. And like the two above, owned by one of our customers, they can grow pretty large.
But there is one thing we can do to help make tortoise ownership a bit less diffiicult: we can take care of their waste every week, hassle-free, and perfectly done every time.
Learn More About tortoise Waste Removal
Rat / Mouse Waste Control
Rat urine and feces are loaded with pathogens. Wherever you see rat droppings, you are looking at an area which is heavily splattered with infectious rat urine. Once an outdoor area, porch, patio, or deck has been marked, the urine acts like a five-star rodent review broadcast to the whole rat community letting them know "this area is safe from predators" and "this area can provide good food that is safe to eat." Rat urine is also an advertisement of sexual availability transforming your porch or patio into... something you don't want to witness.
Rat urine is also responsible for the spread of many diseases including Leptospirosis. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) is another infectious disease (this one is viral) spread by rat urine. Human victims can experience long-term effects of lymphocytic choriomeningitis, while others may experience only temporary discomfort. Other diseases spread by rat urine or feces include Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, and salmonellosis. For this reason you should not go barefoot nor touch rat infested areas. Sgt. Poopers can treat the area and make it safe for bare feet.
Our disinfectant eradicates the effect of urine by which rats mark an area (like your garage, deck or porch) as "safe." Then we apply an all-natural essential oil to create a barrier that rats and mice will not cross. It smells great to humans and does not bother dogs or cats.
Learn More About Rat Waste Removal
Raccoon Poop Removal
Raccoons are common carriers of both distemper and rabies. In the later stages of these diseases, their behavior is startling to say the least. They convulse, fall over backwards, grimace, gnash their teeth, freeze up, and can become very aggressive without warning. Stay FAR AWAY from any raccoon — or fox, for that matter — and call animal control. Do not let your pets go near any wild animals.
The poop and urine from raccoons are serious health risks! Do not disturb it without wearing a respirator. Both the feces and urine from raccoons can spread diseases including,
Raccoon roundworm
- Giardia
- Salmonella
- Leptospirosis
Raccoons tend to deposit waste into a communal area that other raccoons are also using. The communal area where raccoons defecate and urinate is called a raccoon latrine and can be the base of a tree, wood pile, stump, or rock garden. Indoors raccoons can choose to use your deck or porch, your attic, or your garage.
Raccoon roundworm eggs are present in their feces and are so tiny that if disturbed, they can float into the air and be inadvertently inhaled by you, a child, and especially by a dog since they like to sniff everything! After the eggs are ingested, larvae migrate to the brain or other bodily areas which can result in serious illness within a week. Immediate treatment is necessary. This is a dangerous pathogen and can even be fatal if not treated. Raccoon roundworm can damage the central nervous system, organs. Severe cases have resulted in blindness and coma. In addition to roundwoom infections, raccoons bring with them a range of parasites including fleas, lice, ticks, mites, and even roundworm
That's why raccoon poop poses a real threat not just to humans but to your pets including both cats and dogs.
Leptospirosis infects 100–200 Americans every year. If not caught early, Leptospirosis can result in liver and kidney damage. Complications include renal and liver failure, and cardiovascular problems.
Due to the above, when cleaning up raccoon waste, Sgt. Poopers staff follow a different protocol which includes wearing a respirator.
For these reasons and many more, you should not feed raccoons. They are cute, but you do not want these animals hanging around. They strong enough to rip into screen, siding and roof tiles and take up residence inside your porch, attic or walls bringing with them fleas, lice, mites and more. Treating them like pets can be a costly mistake.
Learn More About Raccoon Waste Removal
Possums may sometimes come inside open garages (usually for something like cat food). They drop in at night and may defecate or urinate on your property. Our disinfectant eradicates the urine markers by which animals mark a place (like your garage, deck or porch) as "safe." Then we apply our all-natural cedar oil to create a barrier that possums, with their sensitive nose, are just not interested in crossing. Cedar of course smells great to humans. Dogs and cats are not bothered by the smell.
Unlike raccoons which you do not want hanging around, possums are considered beneficial animals. They may not be as pretty to look at, but their habits are much more clean. Possums are unique as well, because they are North America's only marsupial. Unrelated to rats and mice, they are cousins of kangaroo and the koala. but Possums are prehistoric "living fossils," their species dates back some 70 million years.
Possums are intelligent, shy and gentle, not aggressive
- Possums don't pass rabies
- Possums don't pass Lyme disease
- Possums kill 4,000 to 5,000 ticks each season
- Possums don't destroy lawns or property
- They eat dead animals
- They eat pests like cockroaches, rats and mice, slugs and snails, beetles, crane flies and moths, but not vegetables or flowers
- They are immune to rattlesnake, cottonmouth, and copperhead venom
It's not a good idea to have any variety of wild animals roaming inside your garage or porch. Our all-natural non-toxic protocols are amazingly successful at keeping possums out without harming them in any way.
Learn More About Opossum Waste Removal
Geese Waste Control
Canada geese bring with them many problems. Besides being territorial and aggressive, their germ-laced waste represents a significant biohazard to humans and dogs. While the average dog produces about 3/4ths pound of waste per day, an adult goose can double that. When you add in the fact that they live in rather large flocks, live twice as long as a dog, one flock can render a park or shoreline virtually unusable in a single morning. 50 geese can smear 50 pounds of oozing greenish black waste on sidewalks and across the landscape making it a no-mans-land overnight.
Canadian geese are a migratory species that fly in V-shaped formations through Dallas skies. Being waterfoul, they usually settle near water and graze the shoreline voraciously consuming grasses and clover. Grasses and clover don't have a ton of nutrients, so they make up for that by eating a lot.
Like Norway rats, Canadian geese have found civilization a wonderful hospitable, so much so that many flocks just give up migration and stay put all year. They infest yards, ponds, parks, golf courses and lakes across much of North America. Their slippery waste poses a significant disease risk since their droppings can carry histoplastmosis and other contageous diseases, the worst potentially being HPAI or deadly Avian Flu. In Asia, Europe and Africa, migratory geese have already been implicated as pathogen carriers including dreaded H5N1. That doesn't mean you should run for your life if you see a goose; nevertheless, hosting them as permanent residents on your property is definitely not advised.
While Sgt. Poopers can scrape up and disinfect goose waste on the ground, it can be a challenge due to the sheer volume of waste produced each day by geese. A better solution is to clean up while simultaneous driving them out of the area, which we can do, by spraying the grass they eat with all-natural, non-toxic essential oils. We can also treat using Methyl Anthranilate, a non-toxic extract from grapes. This essential extracts irritate the trigeminal nerve and mucous membranes of geese so that they decide to move on instead of staying put. Natural oils are wonderful because they are non-toxic to humans and dogs. On the downside, they usually have to be re-applied weekly. Regardless, it's still the cheapest way to go.
Learn More About Geese Waste Removal
Duck Waste Control
Ducks in the Old Lake Highlands neighborhood of Dallas, Texas
Ducks usually show up in the spring. They don't always stay long, but if they do, they can make a mess while hanging out in your yard or swimming in the pool. If allowed to dry on patios, sidewalks or around your pool, their droppings can grow mold which, if ingested by small children, can be toxic. Like any wild animal, ducks can create problems for humans. In 1911, Nebraskan duck hunters found small gold nuggets in the gizzards of some ducks they had shot. Well, those little bits of gold sparked an entire gold rush with hundreds pecking away at the countryside for months on end. Alas, no gold was never found though much countryside was considerably churned. The same event recurred in the same year, in Vonore, Tennessee. But it was chicken gizzards that led them astray. At Sgt. Poopers we use the application of essential oils to chase ducks away with little expense and no harm. Our service not only protects your environment from duck waste, but shields your family from swarms of frustrated gold miners.
Learn More About Duck Waste Removal
Great-Tailed Grackle Waste Control
In Dallas, everyone wants to park under a tree for shade... unless that tree is full of grackles. Grackles are surprisingly intelligent and can solve complicated puzzles. Cleaning up their own poop is no one of them, however. They frequently roost in parkinglots shopping centers and intersections because they enjoy the heat that emanates from below. Unfortunately, in just a few minutes, grackles can splatter a car, shirt, dress, or the ground with way too much waste to ignore.
Although not all grackles migrate, they are considered a migratory birds and as such their waste can be toxic both as a source of harmful bacteria and fungi such as histoplasmosis, a toxic fungal disease that grows in dried bird droppings. Sgt. Poopers can help by disinfecting the area to kill the germs and any fungal spores. After that, someone will have to get out there with a hose or power washer to clean up the mess.
They have a complex and lengthy repritoir of noises which sound like a grating crackle... make that a grackle... somewhere between a rusty gate hinge and a loud machine running without oil... just before it explodes.
Learn More About Grackle Waste Removal
Pigeon Waste Control
Pigeons can make a mess of store front sidewalks and apartment balconies. Like geese, their waste is toxic so precautions have to be observed to avoid stirring up dust. We start by applying a liquid disinfectant, then scrape up the mess, and clean with a biodegradable detergent and water. Once the area dries, we treat with non-toxic essential oils weekly to humanely keep the birds from coming back to roost.
Primary disease threats from pigeons includes
- Histoplasmosis — a fungal disease that affects both humans and animals and is transmitted by airborne spores from soil contaminated by pigeons
- Cryptococcus — another fungal disease found in droppings in old roosts or nests
- Candidiasis — a yeast infection that affects the skin, mouth, respiratory system, intestines and the urogenital tract
- St. Louis Encephalitis — an inflammatory disease of the nervous system spread by mosquitoes which have fed on infected house pigeons
- Salmonellosis — known widely as "food poisoning," this disease is often traced to bacteria found in bird droppings and the dust from droppings
- E. coli — pigeons deliver this through their droppings
According to a report on histoplasmosis from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every year many people are sickened by disturbing bird droppings. A particularly large outbreak of histoplasmosis struck 523 high school students in 2001 after a maintenance man churned up soil in the school’s courtyard that had been contaminated by bird droppings. America's worst incidence of histoplasmosis sickened 120,000 people when a building contaminated by bird droppings was demolished in Indiana. 15 people died during that outbreak.
Pigeons are also known to play a significant role transmitting,
- Bed bugs
- Chicken mites (which carry encephalitis
- Yellow mealworms
- West Nile Virus
Learn More About Pigeon Waste Removal
Dead Animal Removal
Just as surely as you see live animals in your yard there will be dead ones for where else should they go when their release from this Earth has come? We actually find and remove small wildlife remains all the time since a decomposing body is a source of disease and can make your dog, cat or child ill.
We will remove the carcass with a little prayer, and place it into a heavy-duty leak-proof bag to contain the germs and odors of decay. Then we will disinfect with our hospital-grade disinfectant to prevent any risk of infection to other animals or humans by resetting the pathogen count to near zero. We also deodorize in a powerful yet Eco-friendly and non-toxic way so there is no smell of death to disturb the tranquility of your yard, nor attract other animals to the scene. We will also spray our cedar oil to kill disease-bearing parasites like fleas, ticks and mites (a real problem with dead birds) that abandon dead animals to find new hosts, so they don't wind up on your pets and in your house!
It's also important to act quickly before a new generation of flies breed on the carcass. Once hatched flies stay in the area and spread germs on everything they touch. Flies are "filth insects" designed to survive by spreading disease to healthy animals nearby like you.
Learn More About Dead Animal Removal
Repairing Lawn Damage
Side by side comparison showing almost total restoration of turf health in just six weeks!
Dog Urine Grass Spot Restoration
Brown spots in the grass are caused by urine from female dogs. Males tend to put a little here and a little there, whereas females release everything in one spot. It’s the concentration of dog urine that kills the grass, and specifically it’s the excess ammonia salts and nitrogen that cause grass roots to die.
Sgt. Poopers can prevent the problem in the first place or restore your grass after the fact. We use a treatment that breaks down the excess salts and nitrogen so they wash away. This allows your grass to regrow much sooner than it would be able to if you did nothing.
Learn More About brown grass spot Restoration
Wildlife Control Summary
A backyard contaminated by animal waste, germs and odors is no walk in the park! Our procedures and protocols protect and conserve the most precious parkland of all — the one you call home. It’s like having a park ranger for your own backyard which is why we say, “We treat your yard like a National Park!”
Sgt. Poopers is a conservation company, so our protocols are based on the principles of conservation. Our approach is common-sense, holistic, always safe, and 100% effective. Our methodology works and you will see immediate results. On top of everything else, no contract is required. We do not use toxic chemistry that can harm people or pets. We restore the balance of nature and make living environments safe for you, children, pets, and beneficial insects like honeybees and butterflies. Please tour our website to learn more. If you have any questions, please call us today at (214) 563-6379. For your convenience, you may also request services from this site.
Steve Hall
CEO & President, Sgt. Poopers
Conservation Advocate
We would like to thank you for your interest in Sgt. Poopers. We look forward to serving you in the near future!
Proudly serving neighborhoods throughout greater Dallas, Texas
Monday–Friday: 8AM–8PM
Saturday: 8AM–5PM
Sunday: 9AM–8PM
(214) 563-6379
Bonded and Insured
11041 Garland Rd, Dallas, Texas 75218 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Questions and Answers for Voice Search
Here are the answers for questions addressed to Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Home.
Who provides the best animal waste control in Dallas?
Sgt. Poopers provides a unique range of ecological services including perfection-grade pet waste removal in Dallas, Texas. Since 2008, Sgt. Poopers has specialized in "guaranteed-perfect" pooper-scooping, disinfection, deodorizing and more. They provide effective disinfection and deodorizing along with dog waste removal in order to reset the pathogen count to near zero in the areas they treat.
How does a pooper scooper service work?
Sgt. Poopers will clean your yard on the same day each week, Monday–Friday. Give us the combination or gate key, or unlock your gate on the proper day. Your yard will be professionally cleaned, disinfected and deodorized.
Can someone disinfect and deodorize my yard?
Yes, Sgt. Poopers cleans, then disinfects and deodorizes after removing animal waste.
- Learn more about our conservation work
- Learn more "About Us" in this Sgt. Poopers article.
- Learn more about conservation careers with Sgt. Poopers
Tags: Sgt Poopers, texas wildlife, wildlife control, waste control, animal waste removal